How To Hold An Electric Guitar

How To Hold An Electric Guitar. If you’re new to playing the electric guitar, one of the most important things you’ll need to learn is how to hold it correctly.

Hi. Ian here and welcome to this lesson on how to hold an electric guitar.

How To Hold An Electric Guitar

I have been playing guitar for over 40 years, and I still love it as much as I did the day I first picked one up. I’ve played both electric and acoustic guitar, and I’ve played in a variety of bands and genres over the years.

What I love most about playing guitar is the feeling of being able to express myself creatively through music. I love the challenge of learning new songs and techniques, and I love the feeling of accomplishment that comes from playing a song well.

But more than anything, I love sharing my passion for guitar with others.

I want to help others learn to play guitar because I believe that music is a gift that everyone should have the opportunity to experience. Music can be a source of joy, comfort, and inspiration. It can help us to connect with others and to express ourselves in ways that words alone cannot.

If you’re interested in learning to play guitar, I encourage you to go for it! It’s an incredibly rewarding experience, and it’s something that you can enjoy for a lifetime.

Electric guitars are some of the most popular and iconic musical instruments in the world. They’re used in a wide variety of genres, from rock and metal to jazz and blues. But before you can start playing electric guitar, you need to know how to hold it properly.

Here are a few resources that you may find helpful:


How to Hold a Guitar Like a Pro:
Guitar Holding Technique: The Essential Guide:
How to Hold a Guitar Properly: A Step-by-Step Guide:

I hope this lesson will be helpful. And most importantly, have fun playing the electric guitar!

How to Hold an Electric Guitar: A Clear and Confident Guide

If you’re new to playing the electric guitar, one of the most important things you’ll need to learn is how to hold it correctly. Holding an electric guitar properly can mean the difference between playing comfortably and struggling to reach the frets and strings. In this lesson, we’ll guide you through the steps of how to hold an electric guitar.

As for holding an electric guitar, there are several factors to consider, such as your posture, the position of your hands, and the angle of the guitar. Whether you’re sitting or standing, the way you hold your guitar can affect your playing technique and overall performance. In this lesson, I will show you how to find the right position that works best for you, so you can play your electric guitar with ease and comfort.

Learning how to hold an electric guitar properly can take some practice, but with the right guidance and techniques, you’ll be playing like a pro in no time. In the next few paragraphs, we’ll break down the steps of how to hold an electric guitar, so you can start playing your favourite songs with confidence and ease.

Understanding the Basics

If you’re a beginner learning how to play the electric guitar, it’s important to understand the basics of how to hold the instrument. Proper hand positioning can help you play more efficiently and avoid injury. In this section, we’ll cover the key elements of holding an electric guitar.

Right and Left Hand Roles

Before we dive into the specifics of holding an electric guitar, it’s important to understand the roles of your right and left hands. Your left hand is responsible for fretting the notes on the fretboard, while your right hand is responsible for picking or strumming the strings.

When holding an electric guitar, your left hand should be positioned behind the frets, with your fingers pressing down on the strings to produce the desired notes. Your right hand should be positioned near the bridge of the guitar, with your fingers or pick striking the strings to produce sound.

It’s important to find a comfortable position for both hands that allows you to play without straining or injuring yourself. Experiment with different hand positions until you find what works best for you.

Overall, holding an electric guitar properly is essential for any beginner learning how to play. With proper hand positioning and practice, you’ll be well on your way to mastering this versatile instrument.

Proper Posture for Holding a Guitar

standing posistion for guitar

Standing Position

If you prefer to play standing up, using a guitar strap is essential. Invest in a good-quality strap that is comfortable and adjustable to your height.

When wearing the strap, adjust it so that the guitar sits at a comfortable height on your body. Avoid positioning the guitar too low, as this can cause strain on your back and shoulders.

When standing, keep your back straight and your feet shoulder-width apart. Distribute your weight evenly between both feet to maintain balance.

By following these tips and maintaining good posture, you can improve your playing technique and reduce the risk of injury or strain on your body.

For playing an electric guitar, proper posture is crucial for both your playing technique and your overall health. Here are some tips on how to achieve the correct posture for holding a guitar:

Sitting Position

When sitting down to play your guitar, it is important to choose an appropriate chair that allows you to sit with your back straight and your feet flat on the ground. Avoid slouching or leaning forward as this can cause strain on your back and neck.

Place the guitar on your right thigh, with the body of the guitar resting against your abdomen. Your right thigh should be slightly higher than your left, allowing your right arm to comfortably rest on the body of the guitar.

Consider using a footstool to elevate your right foot, which can help to improve your posture and reduce tension in your back and shoulders.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

On the topic of holding an electric guitar, there are some bad habits you should avoid to ensure that you are comfortable, and balanced, and prevent injuries. Here are some tips to help you avoid common mistakes:

Bad Habits to Avoid

One of the most common mistakes people make when holding an electric guitar is slouching or hunching over. This can cause fatigue and discomfort in your back, shoulders, and neck. To avoid slouching, make sure to sit up straight and keep your shoulders relaxed.

Another bad habit to avoid is holding the guitar too low or too high. If the guitar is too low, it can cause wrist strain and tension in your arms. If it’s too high, it can cause discomfort in your shoulders and neck. Make sure to adjust the strap so that the guitar is at a comfortable height.

Preventing Injuries

In addition to bad habits, there are also some injuries you should be aware of when holding an electric guitar. Wrist strain and tendonitis are common injuries that can be caused by holding the guitar incorrectly or playing for extended periods without taking breaks. To prevent these injuries, make sure to take breaks every 20-30 minutes and stretch your wrists and fingers.

Another injury to be aware of is carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). CTS is a condition that can cause numbness, tingling, and pain in your hands and wrists. To prevent CTS, make sure to keep your wrists straight and avoid bending them too much when playing.

Overall, by avoiding bad habits and being aware of potential injuries, you can ensure that you are holding your electric guitar in a way that is comfortable and safe for you.

Practising Correct Guitar Holding Techniques

Holding an electric guitar properly is essential for playing it comfortably and effectively. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, practicing the correct guitar-holding techniques is crucial for your playing technique. Here are some tips on how to hold the guitar properly:

Sitting Position

When you are playing an electric guitar, you should sit in a comfortable chair with a straight back. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your back straight. This will help you maintain a good posture and prevent any back pain.

Rest the guitar on your right thigh if you are right-handed or your left thigh if you are left-handed. Make sure the guitar is stable and doesn’t slip off your thigh. You can use a strap to secure the guitar if you prefer to play standing up.

Guitar Position

The correct way to hold a guitar is to position it at a slight angle. The neck of the guitar should be pointing upwards at an angle of around 45 degrees. This will allow you to reach the frets easily and play the notes correctly.

Make sure the guitar is not too high or too low. Adjust the strap so that the guitar is at a comfortable height. The guitar should be positioned so that you can see the fretboard and your fingers.

Hand Position

Your left hand should be positioned on the neck of the guitar. Your thumb should be at the back of the neck, and your fingers should be on the fretboard. Make sure your fingers are curved and not flat.


Your right hand should be positioned on the bridge of the guitar. Your thumb should be resting on the strings, and your fingers should be positioned over the pickups. This will allow you to pick the strings easily and produce a clear sound.



Practicing the correct guitar-holding techniques is essential for improving your playing technique. Spend some time practicing the correct guitar-holding techniques to get comfortable with it. Start with simple chords and gradually move on to more complex chords.

Remember to take breaks and stretch your fingers to prevent any strain. Practicing for short periods regularly is better than practicing for long periods irregularly.

By practicing the correct guitar holding techniques, you can improve your playing technique and enjoy playing the electric guitar comfortably and effectively.

Additional Tips for Left-Handed Players

If you’re a left-handed player, you may find it challenging to learn how to hold an electric guitar properly. However, with a few additional tips, you will be able to play comfortably and efficiently.

Firstly, you should always hold the guitar in a way that feels natural and comfortable for you. This may mean that you need to adjust the way you hold the guitar slightly. For example, if you’re left-handed, you may need to hold the guitar in a different way than right-handed players.

One popular method for left-handed players is to play the guitar upside down. This involves restringing the guitar so that the low E string is at the top and the high E string is at the bottom. This way, the guitar can be played with the right hand fretting the strings and the left hand strumming or picking.

Another option for left-handed players is to play the guitar in the classical position. This involves resting the guitar on the left leg, with the neck of the guitar angled upwards. This allows for better access to the higher frets on the fretboard and can be a comfortable position for left-handed players.

Regardless of which method you choose, it’s important to ensure that your posture is correct. This means sitting up straight and keeping your shoulders relaxed. You should also avoid hunching over the guitar, as this can cause strain on your back and neck.

In conclusion, as a left-handed player, you may need to adjust the way you hold an electric guitar to suit your needs. Whether you choose to play upside down or in the classical position, it’s important to find a method that feels comfortable and natural for you. With practice and the right technique, you’ll be able to play the guitar with ease and confidence.

How To Hold An Acoustic Guitar

The instructions above for how to hold an electric guitar also apply to acoustic guitars, with a few minor differences.

First, acoustic guitars are typically slightly larger and heavier than electric guitars, so you may need to adjust your position slightly to accommodate the extra weight. Second, acoustic guitars have a different body shape than electric guitars, so you may need to shift your right arm slightly to find a comfortable position for strumming.

Here are a few specific tips for holding an acoustic guitar:

Make sure that the guitar is well-balanced and doesn’t feel too heavy or too light. You may need to use a guitar strap to help distribute the weight evenly.

Position the guitar so that the neck is pointing upwards at a slight angle. This will help you to reach the strings more easily.

Rest the guitar body on your right thigh, just below your waistline.

Drape your right arm over the body of the guitar, with your forearm resting on the bridge. Your hand should be in a position to strum the strings.

Place your left hand on the fretboard, with your thumb on the back of the neck and your fingers in position to press the strings.

Again, the most important thing is to find a position that feels comfortable and allows you to play freely. If you’re not sure where to start, ask a guitar teacher or experienced player for help.

Once you’ve found a comfortable position, you can start practicing playing the guitar. Start with some basic chords and strumming patterns, and then gradually work your way up to more complex techniques.

I hope you have as much fun playing guitar as I do!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way for a female to hold an electric guitar?

The best way for a female to hold an electric guitar is the same as for a male. The most widely used methods of holding an electric guitar are the casual method and the classical method. The casual method is the most common method of holding a guitar, so it’s a great place to start. For this method, simply place the body of your guitar on your right leg. Make sure to pull the body of the guitar tight to your stomach. This will help support the weight of the guitar and keep the position steady.

What hand position should I use when fretting notes on an electric guitar?

Use a slight curve in your fretting fingers and keep your thumb behind the neck, not wrapped over top. Lightly press the strings down just behind the fret wire using the tips of your fingers, not the pads. Keep your fretting hand fingers close to the frets so you don’t have to overstretch. Keep your fretting hand wrist straight and relaxed.

What’s the best way to hold the guitar when playing lead?

When playing lead guitar lines and solos, bring the guitar higher up on your body to make it easier to see the higher frets. Use a wide strap adjusted so the guitar rests against your chest, not your stomach. Tilt the neck upwards and keep your fretting wrist straight. This allows your hand to move more freely across the neck for faster solos and lead playing.

How can I improve my grip strength and stamina when holding an electric guitar?

To build grip strength, practice holding chord shapes and scales for longer periods without tension or shaking. Squeeze a tennis ball or stress ball periodically to strengthen your hands and fingers. Use lighter gauge strings which are easier to fret and won’t fatigue your hands as quickly. Take regular breaks during long practice sessions to shake out tension in your hands and wrists. Stay hydrated and maintain good technique to improve stamina.


Holding an electric guitar properly is essential for good technique and preventing injuries. Whether you choose the casual method or the classical method, make sure that you are comfortable and that the guitar is secure. Take the time to experiment with different positions until you find one that works for you. With practice and patience, you’ll be playing like a pro in no time! And above all, Have fun.